Himel Financial
"What Will You Do When You're 82?"


Take Your Finances

To A Higher Level


82? I’m not 82! What’s the problem?

Has “volatility” in the securities markets provided any losses in your savings/investments?

Use your imagination for a moment…

When you’re 82, will you be relying on your IRA or other Wall Street-related investments to pay your bills? Any volatility can disrupt your financial smooth sailing, right? Put another way, if (or when) the securities markets drop hard, what will you do? How will you deal with your expenses? What options will you have?

Think about these points:

  • During your savings/earnings years, you have the luxury of dealing with stock market drops while waiting for recovery as you have an income. Hey, you’re covering costs, right?

  • When you’re deep into retirement, will you have that luxury?

  • Volatility is not your friend! It can sharply increase the possibility of you outliving your money!

  • If volatility can hurt you in retirement, why is it acceptable in your savings years? Doesn’t it also hurt your wealth accumulation? Yes, yes it does!

  • Didn’t know there was a different path to take? There is!

We’ve all heard about the fees in mutual funds and in 401(k)’s. We know that’s one problem. Another? The ups and downs of the securities markets destroy momentum and “erases” our cash growth.

The time to create certainty and simplicity in your financial life is now. It is frequently too late when you enter retirement. Again, if volatility is not acceptable when you spend, why is it acceptable when you save?

Our approach places importance on consistency of earnings and growth, demands simplicity for the client, and views VOLATILITY as the enemy.

Are you interested in receiving tax-free income in retirement?

To be clear: Yes, we use Whole Life* insurance, taking advantage of earnings consistency, taking advantage of growth without reliance on a volatile (or any) stock market, taking advantage of true compounding, and more. Further, we take advantage of the opportunity to create tax-free income in retirement.

Our approach has been used very successfully and consistently for over 160 years!

We have the products to help you achieve financial security without taking unnecessary risk.

*We will not use Universal Life insurance in any form (UL, VUL, IUL, or GUL). Those designs increase risk, unlike Whole Life. We will explain when you contact us.



(914) 714-2452

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